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Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Beginning

     August 12, 2008 Atlanta, GA and it is a hot one. Today the Perseids Meteor shower will begin. It will be more then just a beautiful light show this year, it will be the beginning of few humans new lives. Heroes will be born today. And with good there most be evil. Today will be Donovan Freeman's new birthday, as he will become the future symbol of hope and peace for most people in the world. For right now he is just another security guard.

     "Excuse me folks, but you can't stand up there sorry" Today was just another hot day out in front of the Cable News Network (CNN) building. Donovan was posted out in front of the building trying to keep people from parking, climbing in the big CNN sign, or smoking in front of the entrance. Yes the life he always dreamed of. "Folks please come down I won't ask you again," said Donovan frustrated. "Why can't we take a picture in the big C?" one visitor asked. "Because sir that is our policy and if you don't follow the rules I can't allow you into the building," Donovan said. Honestly I think it's a dumbass rule but I gotta enforce it.
     "Ok officer no problem, but that kinda sucks you know," the visitor said. "Enjoy your visit folks," Donovan said. I hate my job. Why do I always seem to gt stuck out here in the afternoon heat on my Friday? I gotta find a new job.
     "Yo what's good DFree?" Gavin asked. Gavin was good friends with Donovan. He was also helping him to lose some weight. "G-Money what's pop'n dude? Is second shift out yet?" Donovan asked. "Yeah they're out now. I am doing a double so I am here to relieve you," stated Gavin. They exchanged equipment. "So what are you planning tonight?" asked Gavin. "Well it feels like one of my migraines are about to come on so I'm just gonna go pick up a burger and a movie and chill at the crib," stated Donovan.
     "Sounds good, but how about you get a salad or maybe a veggie burger? You're getting off easy today since I'm working a double but you can atleast eat healthy since you won't be working out today." Gavin said. "I know dude I'ma get a salad," Donovan said. I'ma get some lettuce and tomato on this double Whopper! " Yeah man hit me up tomorrow if you wanna get down the 360," Gavin said. "Ok G holla at you tomorrow." "Holla"

     Donovan clocked out, grabbed his lunch bag, and headed for the train. While walking to the train he checked his phone and saw he had a text message from his brother Kris: "Don't forget to come over tonight so we can check out the Perseids. I fixed my telescope so we won't have to hold it. Holla Bruh!"
     "Damn I forgot about the Perseids, but this headache is starting to come on pretty hard now. Gotta be from this heat." Let me text him that I'm gonna try to get rid of this headache first. It will be 4:30 by the time I get of the train and 5:00 by the time I get home after a quick stop to BK!

     Donovan arrived home at 5:12 and put his gear away so he could relax and enjoy his meal. His headache was getting worse. The Perseids would start at 6:00 but would not be visible until around 9:00, or atleast that is what was predicted. Donovan popped two Excedrin and turned on the King of Queens.
     The time is now 6:00 and the migraine is getting intense. What is going on? Itfeels like my head is going to explode! I need to lay down or something. The phone rings. It is Kris calling about the Perseids. "Hey bro what'sgoin on? My head is really killing me now so I don't think  am gonna make it...." "Bruh go outside right now! You don't need to come over to see this shit! Go outside and look up now!" demanded Kris. "What the hell man!? Ok I'm going outside now. Ok I am looking up and....Oh damn! We should not be able to see the Perseids and we diffenitely shouldn't be able damn near touch them." stated Donovan amazed. The meteor shower which would have only been viewed at night in an area with few city lights was being viewed during the dayliht and it appeared as if the meteors were right above the city. "Dude my head is really throbing now I will call you back," Donovan stated with pain in his voice. He hung up his cell phone and went back inside and got in his bed. "AAAAAAARRRGHHH!" Donovan yelled. Oh my God what is happening to me? Why is this hurting so bad? I gotta call 911 where is my phone? Please stop hurting. Please. Before Donovan could get out of bed to get his phone he fainted. If he only knew that he was not the only one passed out at that very exact same time for the same reason. Tomorrow will be a new day and a new world.

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