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Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Beginning pt 2

It is 1:00 pm the next day. Donovan is still sleeping and has yet to realize he is more then just Donovan Freeman now. It’s time to wake up our soon to be hero.

Donovan is just starting to wake up from last night’s headache. “What the hell happened last night? At least my head is feeling better.” The phone rings and Donovan checks his caller id to see that it is his boy Gavin.
     “Yo what’s good DFree? Dude I’ve been calling you all morning to see if we were gonna chill later” Gavin said. “What time is it G?” asked Donovan.
     “My man it is 1 in the afternoon what have you been doing?” asked Gavin. “I had a real bad headache and I passed out I think. That was around 6 last night. I can’t believe I was out that long.” Donovan stated. “I can’t believe you missed that crazy-ass light show last night. Wait up you said you passed out last night?” Asked Gavin
     “Yeah I was going to call an ambulance because of my migraine and before I could reach my phone I blacked out. Why what’s up?” asked Donovan.
     “Homie turn on CNN right now. They have been talking about that light show all morning. They have also been talking about the mass of people rushed to emergency rooms last night for pounding headaches. They said everyone passed out all of a sudden at the exact same time.” Gavin stated anxiously.
     “Look I’ll be at your crib in about 20 minutes so get your ass up and start watching the news. Holla.” Gavin hung up the phone. Donovan reached for the TV remote and turned on CNN. Tony Harris Kira Philips was on the news talking to some scientist about the lights from last night.

“….Believe that these strange meteoric lights were from the Perseids at all. We have been monitoring the Perseids since last year and more so over the last week and as we observe it now it is as it should be. The phenomenon we saw last night was something totally different. Some of my colleagues think that it was an exploding asteroid that sent fragments into our atmosphere. But the real question lies in the radiation we were able to sample.” “Doctor what radiation are you speaking of?” asked Kira. “Our scientist in the International Space Station, were able to get a sample of the dust that was trailing the fragments. It reacts explosively to human DNA, but” stated the scientist.
     Donovan turned of the TV wondering what all this meant. As he got out of bed his sweat pants fell to the floor. “What the hell? Why is my bed soaked?” Donovan asked himself. He leaned in closer to his bed to smell the substance and determined that it was sweat. A lot of sweat that soaked into the mattress.
      “What the hell is going on with me? That’s like 20lbs of sweat.” Donovan ran into his bathroom and got on his scale. 281lbs? How the hell did I sweat off 20lbs over night? And why do I feel so energized? The Phone rang again, this time it was Donovan’s cousin Tony.
     “What up Tony?” asked Donovan. “Yo where the hell is your brother at?” screamed Tony. “First I am not having the best start to my day. Second you need to stop yelling at me like I’m your kid. Third I have like 10 brothers so which one are you talkin bout?” stated Donovan firmly. “I’m talkin about the one who I let you talk me into getting a job at more store who hasn’t showed up today and hasn’t called in yet. Is he Home?”
     “No actually he doesn’t live with me anymore. He was trying to make things work with his daughter’s mom so he got a crib about 2 months ago and now he stays out in Bankhead.”
     “That would be around the time he started coming in late to work. Well I just talked to his supervisor and he said he’s fired. So tell your brother not to ask me for anymore favors.” Tony hung up the phone.
     Why the hell did he call me? He’s been to Ryan’s crib mad time’s to smoke weed. Donovan goes into the bathroom to start his morning routine. When he takes his clothes off, he notices the weight loss. Why I am actually looking better. Maybe this isn’t such a bad thing.

Fifteen minutes later there is a knock at the door. “Yo G-Money did you bring some grub?”
     “Not for you. You don’t have any food here?” asked Gavin. “You don’t have any leftover Burger King?” Gavin asked while looking at the Burger King bag on the tray table.
     “If I did I would have eaten it already. Look dude I lost 20lbs last night. Look at my bed it’s soaked in sweat. How is that possible?”
     “Since last night anything is possible. Why aren’t you watching the news? All types of crazy shit have been happening to the people who passed out last night. They said one chick skin was so cold to the touch it froze the liquid in her IV.” Gavin Stated
     Donovan stared at Gavin blinking and wondering what was happening to the world. “Yo homie you got some jelly in there?” Gavin asked. “Yeah I’ll get it.” Donovan went to open the refrigerator and felt a twitch in muscles throughout his body. When he went to open the refrigerator he pulled the entire door of the hinges and held it up.

“Uh G, I think I may have some issues over here” “Holy Shit!”

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